Vitality Stories
Coming to a Dog Park Near You in 2019!

copyright 2018 Teri Case
a couple’s breakup from their dog’s point of view
Skip is a rescued dog who wants to matter. He loves living in a blissful pack with his human couple, John and Lucy, and he has bow-vowed to never lose them. But when John walks out after seven happy years, Lucy and Skip’s world is turned upside down. Skip’s determined to guide Lucy through her identity crisis, but he’s harboring a secret: he’s to blame for the breakup and her broken heart. Can Skip build a new pack for Lucy and himself and become indispensable to her before she discovers his canine treason and kicks him to the curb?
“In the Doghouse is a story of love, loss, guilt, and new beginnings told from the hilarious yet wise perspective of the lovable family dog.” –Cathey Nickell
Coming to a Dog Park Near You in 2019!
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