Photo by Stephanie Hockersmith, Pie Lady Books
When I came up with the idea for Finding Imogene several years ago, I didn’t start writing the book immediately; I was too afraid.
What if I couldn’t do the story or theme(s) justice? What if I’d been lucky with my first two award-winning novels and had only been able to write Tiger Drive and In the Doghouse because each had elements of my life in them?
A while ago, one of my brothers encouraged me to write something unfamiliar to me. I am a fiction author, after all. Authors write very good books about experiences that have nothing to do with their lives all the time. But I worried, What if I’m not one of those authors?*
As Finding Imogene‘s January 2024 release date neared, I told my partner, “The pie in the sky is for every early reader to love Finding Imogene, as in review it with four-stars-or-above love it. But I’m afraid I’ll eat a lot of humble pie instead.”
Little did I know how relevant PIE would become, because friends, I’m elated to share that the incredibly talented Stephanie Hockersmith of Pie Lady Books not only shared her Pie POV of Finding Imogene, but she loved the novel! “Captivating,” she said. Captivating! Thank you for being you, Stephanie Hockersmith! I think you and the pie are both gorgeous!
Y’all, I absolutely loved this beautifully written and captivating thriller about a dying woman’s search for answers to her friend’s disappearance when they were young.
This story grips you right away and is such a powerful look at the complexities of family and what the search for truths long buried does to those relationships.
So, if you’re looking for the perfect novel to dive into this weekend, I highly recommend this new release from award-winning author Teri Case!
According to a write-up in Better Homes & Garden by Emily Van Schmus, it’s an honor to have your book selected. “Since she does book reviews and makes recommendations from her Instagram account, it’s important to Hockersmith to choose a book that’s as beautiful as it is meaningful. And while the cover art is normally a large part of how she chooses which books to feature, she says she’ll only promote books she actually loved.”
Friends, if you’ve ordered Finding Imogene, thank you. I know the book won’t be for everyone, but for now, the reviews are holding at four to five stars. I’m enjoying how sometimes pie in the sky can become a reality.
As always, thanks for being you!
Learn more about Finding Imogene
*It didn’t help that the publishing path for Finding Imogene hasn’t been easy. You can read more about the journey here.
If you have read Finding Imogene, please consider sharing a review on your vendor site and/or Goodreads. It can be a super simple note of what you liked about Finding Imogene or about your reading experience, such as “I couldn’t put it down.”
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