April Fools’ Day Means A Lot To Me

Vitality Stories

Teri Case

April Fools’ Day Means A Lot To Me


I’ve recently started drinking coffee. I’m 47 and have never liked it (except the smell, I’ve always loved the smell of coffee), but last May on my Backroads hike through the French Pyrenees, ending in Spain’s Rioja, I started drinking Café con leche. Now I’m partial to a mix of 1 part coffee to 3 parts hot almond milk and a dash of Stevia. But this is not the point of the newsletter. The point is after sipping my coffee and waking up more quickly than usual. it hit me HARD that April 1st is an extremely important day in my life. One, it’s the due date for me to finish the second draft of In the Doghouse (Book 2), and two, it’s the day the story of Tiger Drive begins:

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Funny Brothers and Taxes

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

It Helps To Have A Sense Of Humor

Laughter is the best policy

Dear Friend,

Last week, I shared “A Bird in the Hand”–a story about my brother Adam being chosen by a parakeet. It’s a story that makes me laugh every time he tells it. “It’s hysterical!” many of you responded. Several of you asked me,  “What did he name the bird?” I promise to ask Adam as soon as he returns from Vietnam.

Some of you may remember the below email exchange with my brother, Karsen, from a previous newsletter. I’m in the middle of doing my 2017 taxes, and this nugget of laughter came to mind and I thought, “I need to share it again.” I’ve saved this email for ten years. Continue reading

A Bird in the Hand

Vitality Stories

Running Parakeet A Bird in the Hand

A Bird in the Hand

Maybe you like my storytelling, but my two younger brothers can entertain an entire table of people with their stories. For hours. They have a gift for telling true stories that will make you laugh until you cry. If they team up, you’ll have a hard time catching your breath.

Teri Case with brothers

Left to right: Karsen, Teri, Adam

So while I don’t expect to do it justice, I thought I’d share one of my favorites.

Several years ago, my brother Adam owned a solar tube business in Arizona. It was a crazy hot business. He was either on a rooftop in the scorching sun or crawling through stifling attics.

One day, it was especially hot and Adam was on a client’s roof. Out of nowhere, a parakeet landed on his shoulder. It scared the crap out of him, and he almost fell off the roof. He shooed “the damn bird” away but it kept coming back to his shoulder, like he was a “damn pirate.” After a bit, Adam gave up–he had a job to do after all–and let it sit on his shoulder, positive the bird would eventually get bored and fly away or maybe even die. But the parakeet was still perched on Adam’s shoulder as he climbed down the ladder (at this point, my brother would add sound effects as he pantomimes the descent: do-do-doooo).

The homeowner had never seen the parakeet before. It was time for Adam to work in the attic but the bird was persistent. Resigned and worried about the heat, Adam turned the air conditioning on in his van and the bird flew inside.

As soon as he wrapped up the job, Adam hopped in his van, happily welcomed by his new best friend, and called Animal Control and the SPCA–neither had a solution Adam felt great about. So he tried once more to make the bird fly away. Continue reading

The Book Report

Can you make room for hope, faith, and opportunity?

Tiger Drive Teri Case

Word is spreading about Tiger Drive. I’m excited to share the following blog by Lorie Smith Schaefer. “Hope, faith, and opportunity” play a specific role in the story, and I’m elated that Ms. Schaefer extracted it from the story. Click to read: Book Report: Can you make room for hope, faith, and opportunity?

My Mom Said So

Vitality Stories

Jennifer Lawrence Oops

My Mom Said So

My mom read Tiger Drive last week. Now, for those of you who have been following me for a while, you know that my eighty-two year-old mom has had it in her bonnet that Tiger Drive’s a memoir rather than fiction. A lot of the confusion is my fault. After all, I did grow up on Tiger Drive in Carson City, Nevada (the book takes place in Corbett City, Nevada). And my family and novel share archetypal characters:

  • an abusive husband and father
  • an abused wife
  • an addict
  • a drug dealer with ties to a gang

Archetypes behave in anticipated ways. This is why a woman in Kansas who is abused by her husband “totally gets” the emotions and choices of an abused woman in California. An alcoholic in Nevada will understand an alcoholic in Texas. We humans act more alike than not.

My novel was causing enough angst for my mom that I didn’t tell her when Tiger Drive was published and available on the World Wide Web.

But like most moms, she found out anyway.

She called me and said her Amazon orders weren’t shipping, and she couldn’t figure out why (this happens quite often). I’m a bit of a custodian for her accounts, so I logged in to see what was happening, assuming her gift card balance was insufficient. I was right. But when I looked at her pending orders, expecting to see the usual suspects of powder coffee creamer, assorted candy, and potato chips, I knew I was in trouble. The pending order was the hardcover copy of Tiger Drive.

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Author Accelerator

Author Accelerator interviews Teri Case

Author Accelerator Teri Case Tiger Drive
Click here to read the interview. I’ve used several of Author Accelerator’s services. Over the past year, several people have asked me how they can start writing or establish a routine. I always tell them about Author Accelerator who has a variety of programs, ranging from ones for the writer who doesn’t even have an idea what to write about to those for writers who have finished a manuscript and need to fix it or have it reviewed. Want to write, check them out. In the meantime, enjoy my interview with them.

A Tiger Drive Thanks

Vitality Stories

Tiger Drive Acknowledgments

A Tiger Drive Thanks

It takes a village to write and publish a book. Here are the people and groups who are recognized in Tiger Drive.



Finishing a book requires soda, licorice, yogurt covered peanuts, magazines, glue-sticks, alligator skin, earplugs, candles, walks, a timer, a door, two saw horses, a fitness ball, The Civil Wars, and olive branches. But mostly, it takes a village of believers, coaches, supporters, and collaborators. Continue reading

Thank You Mr. Tobey


Vitality Stories

Mr. Tobey

Alcoholism A Family Problem by Teri Case Tiger Drive


In Tiger Drive, Carrie is seventeen years old and desperate to go to college but needs financial aid. She turns to her English teacher, Mr. Hill, to proofread her scholarship essay. He is an honest and candid man, and while Carrie doesn’t fully open up to him, she trusts him. Mr. Hill believes in her, and this makes all the difference to Carrie.

In reality, Mr. Hill was inspired by my ninth grade English teacher, Mr. Tobey, at Carson Junior High School. While Carrie’s story is not my story, writing creates an opportunity to recognize people who have made a difference even when writing fiction. Mr. Tobey is one of those people. But in the past thirty-two years, I’ve never reached out to thank him. In a recent exchange with my hometown high school librarian, I said it was because of people like her that there are adults like me. She made a meme of that comment and put it on her computer to remind herself that she makes a difference. She so does. Our exchange inspired me to reach out to Mr. Tobey, finally, to thank him. To tell him how the following three interactions with him have stuck with me always. Continue reading