Granted: My Close Encounter with a Possible Pedophile (Pt. 2)


Vitality Stories

Granted: My Close Encounter with a Possible Pedophile, Part 2

Granted: My Close Encounter with a Possible Pedophile

Click here to read Part One

Part Two

Grant had two passions: photography and astrology. I’d become a willing participant in both.

My older sister always read me our horoscope (we’re both Scorpio), but at eight years old, the promises or warnings meant nothing to me. I wasn’t looking for romance, to change jobs, and I wasn’t worried about my health. They were boring and silly. So when Grant first pulled out all of his books and charts, I was not interested.

But Grant would get so animated while discussing astrology, carefully spreading out his materials like treasures. To my surprise and non-delight, he’d started my astrological chart. He explained how my birthday and time of birth would influence the rest of my life. He went over the various “houses” and how the moon, sun, and other planets could influence said houses. After a few weeks, he finished my chart, and he told me something I have never forgotten.

Grant told me that someday I was going to be a “wealthy and humble woman.” I asked him what he meant. He said, “You’ll live in a mansion, but you won’t be a show-off. You won’t rub your riches in anyone’s face.” I kid you not, right then and there, I pictured my older self standing on the front steps of a mansion, holding wild picked flowers, and wearing worn out overalls (and we all know how I felt about overalls). And I had a beat-up truck in the driveway. It’s highly possible I was influenced by reruns of The Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres.

Today, people talk about the power of positive thinking, applying The Secret, and more. I always think about Grant and the positive influence his passion for astrology had on the outlook of my life. He gave me hope. Not that I’d have money someday, but that my future would be very different than the way I was being raised.

But in hindsight, he was also moving me away from talking about topics interesting to a little girl to discussing more adult topics. He was changing the playing field.

to be continued

For an update on Mr. Tobey and Tiger Drive, click here.


Granted: My Close Encounter with a Possible Pedophile


Vitality Stories


Granted: My Close Encounter with a Possible Pedophile

Part One

In 1978, my family moved our mobile home from a trailer park on the east side of Carson City to a trailer park on the west side of Carson City. My mom always said, “The west side is the best side.” So we were “moving up.” Plus, we were moving away from the K-Bar, my dad’s favorite bar which had been across the street from our old park. So things were “looking up” too. Continue reading

My Overhauls: Then and Now


Vitality Stories

Teri Case Overhauls

My Overhauls: Then and Now

My Overhauls: Then

Author Cathey Graham Nickell and I recently shared the ways our mothers extended the life of our clothes when we were little. Cathey’s mom would add different colored strips of cloth to the bottom of her favorite jeans to lengthen them–Cathey liked them because she felt very “hippie.”

With my eight brothers and sisters, my mom repurposed our clothes both as hand-me-downs and hand-me-ups. My mom and I had many arguments about fashion once I started kindergarten. The first would be when she tried to get me to wear some used black overalls that were given to us for my younger brother. They were too big for him so my mom said I’d have to wear them until my brother grew into them. “Besides,” she had said, “you need clothes to start school.” But I was having none of her idea. I loved bright colors, skirts, and dresses already. I cried. My mom got creative. She cut out the inseams and sewed bright green polyester triangles to the front and back and voila–the overalls became an overalls dress and I loved my “overhauls”–as I liked to call ’em. I wore the dress all the time until I outgrew it, and my mom turned the dress back into overalls for my little brother. Continue reading

Mom’s Jailbreak

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

Mom’s Jailbreak

No one puts Bonnie in the corner

Recently, my eighty-two-year-old mom had pneumonia which caused her to lose strength in her legs. She could no longer stand long enough for the staff to transfer her from the bed to her wheelchair, from her wheelchair to a recliner, etc. Ultimately, her pneumonia worsened, and she had to be checked into the hospital. She gets pneumonia quite often, but because she had lost so much strength and mobility, the hospital recommended she be transferred to a local rehabilitation nursing center (non-hospital affiliated) to rebuild her strength rather than discharge her to return to her assisted living center–her home.

What we didn’t appreciate at the time, but do now, is how poorly the rehabilitation nursing home was staffed and managed. My mom was grossly ignored for several days and was not receiving any physical therapy to rebuild her strength. Instead they were performing mental tests and assessments all in an effort to make a case that she stay at their facility for the rest of her life. She was starting to decline under the care of the rehab facility. There was no rehabbing a-happenin’. She’d try to talk to the nurses, but they just spoke over her. She tried asking for her doctor, nothing would happen. Continue reading

Biggest Surprise Ever

Vitality Stories

Biggest Surprise Ever

Dear Friend,

Right now, the above video isn’t going to make any sense because in a completely bizarre chain of events–and while I was writing this newsletter to send out–I received surprising news that the hardcover of Tiger Drive is available for shipping/delivery by January 11th via Amazon and Barnes & Noble!!! My head is spinning. I’m adding links here and sending this to you today because you deserve to know first, however, I thought you might get a kick out of my original message below because, just like that–I’m published. All my careful planning and now there’s nothing I can do about it! I have to laugh!!

Note: hardcover is $27 compared to the ~$11 paperback sales price Amazon and B&N are offering.

The Ugliest Baby (originally intended newsletter)

Happy New Year, my friend!

I missed emailing you this past month–really I missed hearing from you. Whenever I send a newsletter, several of you respond with the most interesting stories and experiences. I’ve learned so much from you in 2017, and I hope to return the favor in 2018.

This was the first holiday since I started writing full-time three years ago (yes, I know, three years and I’m just now publishing Tiger Drive–Egads!) that I unplugged and took the holiday off. Writing is no different than running your own business. It sounds romantic going into it–this idea that you will work for yourself–and then you quickly realize that you need to work 24/7 to support yourself, keep the business alive, and get everything done. It’s important to realize that just like any job, one needs a vacation from time to time. A vacation where you give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing or catch up on your non-business life. Work life balance!

So I tried to shut my brain off and stop thinking about everything that should or could be done before Tiger Drive flies out into the world on Valentine’s Day. I talked to my author friend, Cathey Graham Nickell, about it. I was telling her how I couldn’t stop worrying about everything that needed to be done. I’m a process-oriented person, and so I get a bit obsessed with checking boxes (similar to Carrie in Tiger Drive) and if I don’t check all those boxes, Tiger Drive might suffer for it. I’ve put so much of my life into this book. What if I don’t catch any final typos? Making changes and ordering proofs takes time (even though I’ve already gone through two proofs and feel pretty good about it). What if I take vacation when I could save one more typo from assaulting my readers (I’ve hired editors and proofreaders to avoid this, but I still worry)? Cathey and I have talked a lot in the past about letting the project go, that we can’t control what happens once we release our books. But this time she said,

“Now you sort of know what it feels like to have a baby.” Continue reading

December’s Inside Scoop

Vitality Stories

The past four weeks have been hectic and thrilling. I’ve been experimenting with different social sites to find a balance between the marketing side of this whacky writing business and the joy in the process without feeling like I’m vomiting sales pitches all over my friends. I’ve been posting on Instagram (@terilcase) and on my Facebook page (tericase_author), and since I don’t expect you to track me down on all these sites (I’m supposed to find you!), I’m going to start sharing a monthly “inside scoop” video of what my new friend, TIGER DRIVE, and I have been up to. Here is  December’s Inside Scoop. And until 2018, I’m wishing you the happiest holiday and a satisfying finish to 2017.

Thank you for being you.


If a friend shared this newsletter with you, and you’d like to subscribe for future newsletters, that’s excellent! Just click here (and you’ll also get the first four chapters of my novel TIGER DRIVE).

Inside Scoop on Tiger Drive

It Takes A Village

Vitality Stories

Giving Thanks Tiger Drive

It Takes A Village

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I reflected on the six-year journey to write TIGER DRIVE and wrote the Acknowledgments page(s). I am so blessed and lucky to know so many wonderful people, and I’m glad that I had a moment of clarity several years ago and thought, I should start a list now of all the people who will contribute to TIGER DRIVE. The list came in handy, because it truly takes a village of people to write and publish a book. With gratitude, I present the best villagers ever:

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for being you.


To subscribe, click here.

Good Stuff Is Happening

Vitality Stories

Good Stuff Is Happening

I am just back from a cruise through the Panama Canal. Next week, I’ll share some photos and a time-lapsed video. It was an inspiring trip in more ways than one, and I look forward to sharing more details with you.

But right now, I can’t wait to tell you some awesome news! As you know, I recently rolled out the landing page for my novel Tiger Drive. It’s being released in February 2018, and I will be sharing pre-order options, holiday gift cards, and bonus material soon.

I am officially now able to share that a portion of the proceeds of my novel will help fund the annual Tiger Drive Scholarship fund!

Thanks to generous friends, family, and strangers, we have been able to help eight students go to college in the past three years. They are now Dean’s List students 🙂

When I think about all the people who helped me change my life and attend college or when I think about the village of folks who have helped me become an author, I am overwhelmed by the fact that this scholarship and my dream to be published can now come together. And as a subscriber, you are one of those people who have helped make this all possible. I am beyond grateful to you.

I look forward to writing you next week. Until then, thank you for being you.


Was this email shared with you? If you’d like to subscribe for future newsletters, click here, and then give our mutual friend a big hug for me for spreading the word about the Vitality Stories newsletter and the  TIGER DRIVE Scholarship.


Vitality Stories

Tiger Drive Has Landed


It’s official! TIGER DRIVE has landed. Landed as in there is an:

  • Official book trailer
  • Official book landing page
  • Official cover (you’re in for a surprise)
  • Official book description (this about killed me)
  • Official release date
  • Official pre-order date
  • Official pre-order gift cards (just in time for the holidays)
  • Official (signed) book labels

I have to admit that all of the “official”-s above are making me feel like an official author, which reminds me of a cherished memory. Continue reading

The Orange Door: a true story

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Orange DoorThe Orange Door: a true story

With Halloween creeping our way and orange candy wrappers teasing me every where I look, I am reminded of a story my mom, Bonnie, shared in her memoirs about a house we owned in the seventies (and lost to foreclosure–but that’s another story) in Carson City, Nevada, on Telegraph Street. It had an orange door–an “infamous orange door.”

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