An Influential Journey

Vitality Stories

carlen-madduxAuthor Carlen Maddux

An Influential Journey


A Path Revealed

During my drive across the country, I read an advance reader’s copy of Carlen Maddux’s A Path Revealed: How Hope, Love and Joy Found Us Deep in a Maze Called Alzheimer’s.

Carlen’s wife, Martha, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease when she was only fifty years old. Fifty years old! I’m 45, almost 46, and I always thought Alzheimer’s was for the elderly, not someone turning fifty. Continue reading

It helps to have a sense of humor

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

It Helps To Have A Sense Of Humor

Laughter is the best policy

I’ve learned a few things about moving over the past four years. I know that anything can get lost during a move, even a four-piece gigantic sectional sofa, and I can tell you the worst part of moving isn’t packing and unpacking, it’s going to the DMV and getting a new driver’s license and vehicle registration. Continue reading

I’m Back & Ready to Write

Vitality Stories


I’m Back & Ready to Write

I’ve missed you

We’ve successfully made it to Ithaca, New York, and have unpacked far too many belongings. Somehow the movers lost our couch and oversized chair, but the gazillion boxes of stuff we don’t really need made it just fine. Continue reading

I’ve Made A Decision

Vitality Stories

Love Bomb Company Vitality Stories

from The Love Bomb Company

I’ve Made A Decision

Proactive steps

Hi Everyone,

With tragic murders happening on both sides of the law, I’ve been asking myself, What can I do to be a person of change in an influential and productive way?  I read Amanda Toler Woodward’s newsletter, “Speaking of ‘isms. It’s racism, people. and knew I couldn’t keeping thinking about what to do. I actually needed to do something. Continue reading

An Inspiring Young Woman – Tiger Drive Scholarship

Vitality Stories

Viansa Tiger Drive Scholarship

An Inspiring Young Woman

Introducing a winner

Last week I introduced you to Karen, one of the two recipients of the 2016 Tiger Drive Scholarship. And now I’d like to introduce you to Viansa. Be prepared to be inspired by her loyalty, hard work, and commitment to her education. Continue reading

The Winners of the Tiger Drive Scholarship

Vitality Stories

The Tiger Drive Scholarship

Our Winners

And the winner is…

Thanks to the generous donations made by friends and strangers, we were able to award two students with a Tiger Drive Scholarship for this upcoming school year, and I am excited to introduce you to both recipients this week and next.

I’d like to start with Karen. Continue reading

What Makes You Laugh?

Vitality Stories

a writer goes to the pharmacy teri case

What Makes You Laugh?

When a writer goes to the pharmacy

Dear Friend,

This actually happened to me last week so I thought I’d share the experience with you.

If you have a funny story to share, let me know. I love to hear from you.

Happy laughing and as always, thanks for being you.


Teri Case Vitality Stories

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An Update On My Writing Life

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

An Update On My Writing Life

I want to be a published author

I recently enrolled in a writing course with Author Accelerator called Story Genius to help develop my new book, In the Doghouse. I’m half way through the course, and I will definitely be applying what I’ve learned to all of my future projects. I recommend it to anyone who has an idea for a book, is having a hard time starting, and is serious about writing.* For me, the strongest component of this course is understanding why my characters feel, think, and act the way they do.

Story Genius proposes that every person–and therefore, character–has a long standing desire and a misbelief (a subjective belief about his/her life and world) that eventually stands in the way of obtaining the desire. Naturally, I decided to make myself crazy by turning a writing course into an opportunity to psychoanalyze my life and identify my own desire and misbelief to see where I might be a self-sabotager. Continue reading