The Power of Community

Vitality Stories

Stephen Jon Thompson

Stephen Thompson, photo by Sarah Morey

The Power of Community

A vital network 

Stephen Jon Thompson and I have been friends for over thirty years. I met him at a church function in seventh grade when I still lived on Tiger Drive. Below is a picture of us getting ready for a night of Christmas caroling. Nothing screams early 1980s better than Steve’s layered, turned up collars, or my bi-level haircut: Continue reading

What Makes You Laugh?

Vitality Stories

Teri Case

What Makes You Laugh?

In the light of day

Two weeks ago in the middle of the night, I was lying wide awake in bed. I was too excited–too happy–to sleep. Hours before, unexpected donations for the Tiger Drive Scholarship had started rolling in and the kindness of friends and strangers, and the idea that we might be able to help not one but TWO students, had my head spinning. Continue reading

Because It Feels Good

Vitality Stories

Tiger Drive Scholarship by Teri Case

Because It Feels Good

Growing generosity

It’s been an unexpected and wonderful week full of generous, encouraging, and supportive friends and strangers who have changed more than one person’s life in the past few days.

On May 3rd, I updated my status on Facebook about the $300 Tiger Drive Scholarship:

Tiger Drive Scholarship Teri Case

Within 24 hours of this post, someone contacted Carson City High School and anonymously matched the scholarship. By the next morning, another anonymous donor called the school. Continue reading

What makes you laugh?

Vitality Stories

Vitality Stories

What Makes You Laugh?

Look with your hands

Inspired by author and illustrator Lisa Sinicki’s latest project, I recently signed up for an online comic strip drawing course with Paris Christou at ToonBoxStudio*. Early on, Paris points out it helps to choose a comic concept by considering our own stories or experiences in ‘little strips of gags,’ or punchlines. This makes sense, right? It’s why Garfield, Dilbert, Calvin and Hobbes, and The Family Circus are popular; they are true to life, and therefore, relatable and funny.
So I started writing down all of the silly, short conversations in my own life that have stuck with me and make me giggle. Below is one of my favorites, and perhaps one day, I’ll adapt it as a comic: Continue reading

Don’t Forget To Feed Your Inner Dog

Vitality Stories

Vitality Stories The Positive Dog

Gretchen LeMay Photography

Don’t Forget To Feed Your Inner Dog

Positively grateful

I’ve been sending a Vitality Stories Newsletter to my email subscribers every Thursday morning since last August, and then on Thursday, April 14th, I didn’t. I was obsessing about the right balance between quality and quantity, and I assumed I was the only one who was paying attention to my schedule. Continue reading

Prompts, Promises, and Prom

Vitality Stories

Corsage 800 Flowers

Prompts, Promises, and Prom

Negotiating normalcy

Prom has been on my mind. Facebook friends have been posting pictures of their teenagers heading off to this traditional, timeless, and rite of passage dance.

Prom plays a large role in my novel, Tiger Drive, because seventeen-year-old, Carrie Sloan recognizes that the anticipation and excitement around prom is normal, but her situation demands that she focus her energy on finding money for college. Alas, to be a normal girl with a normal life is all she really wants. Continue reading

Grandpa worked with slugs

Vitality Stories

Grandpa Worked With Slugs

Grandpa’s Slugs by Jason Beck

Grandpa Worked With Slugs

It’s all relative

The more personal I get in a Vitality Stories Newsletter, the more responses I receive, and I suppose, the more risk I take that something I’ve shared might be taken out of context and applied relatively, such as the below comment from last week’s letter: Continue reading

A poem from Me@18 to Me@45

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

Me w/3 of my 5 older siblings & perhaps my Mom’s lap

A poem from Me@18 to Me@45

I Remember

The response to my last newsletter has been rewarding, including hearing from a high school friend who sent me a copy of a poem I wrote in the 12th grade, I Remember. I Remember was published in the high school’s annual publication, The Verbatim. Continue reading

Coming Clean About Tiger Drive

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Tiger Drive

field behind Tiger Drive. Photo by Gretchen LeMay

Coming Clean About Tiger Drive

Where one door closes

In last week’s newsletter, I shared that a trailer burned on Tiger Drive, taking the lives of a man and his dog. Honestly, sharing the post about the fire, how I feel about Tiger Drive, and an update on my novel created my most personal newsletter to date. I know, because I felt vulnerable after I sent it, and I second guessed my willingness to share how I visit Tiger Drive whenever I’m in town and that an agent closed the door on representing my novel. Then, as doors are intended to do, a few swung open.

Continue reading

The Realities of Tiger Drive

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

photo by Gretchen LeMay Photography

The Realities of Tiger Drive

Last week I learned news about both Tiger Drives.

First, the place

One week ago, a trailer burst into flames on Tiger Drive, killing a man who lived alone with his dog. The dog perished, too. He didn’t have any family. I know because I called the park manager to check if donations were needed. I have no idea what kind of man he was, but I wouldn’t have hesitated to help because I was once a Tiger Drivian. Continue reading