Random Observations In Tokyo

Vitality Stories

Growing In Tokyo Teri Case

Random Observations In Tokyo

First Impressions

Last October I went to Toyko for ten glorious days. Before I left, I poured over a travel guide, knowing my boyfriend and I would dedicate our time and attention to the city itself. What I didn’t read or anticipate is how influenced I would become by the Japanese culture in such a short time. Daily I was impressed and changed forever. Since my return, I have been practicing mindfulness, and I’m no longer trying to be THE best writer, friend, daughter, sibling, aunt, girlfriend, neighbor, collaborator, customer, driver, athlete, reader, or fashionista; I’m simply being MY best, and as a result, my best is getting better over time.

I’ve previously shared some of my first impressions of Japan in my Growing In Tokyo series (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4). I wanted to share a few more observations that don’t require a newsletter of their own.

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How I Started Writing & What I Wrote About

Vitality Stories

Dick Case Vitality Stories

How I Started Writing & What I Wrote About

If not now, then when?

In late 2011, I sat down at my desk and confronted my exhausted creative mantra: Someday I’ll write a book. At 41 I decided someday was now. I had just left my job and knew I had six months before my next role would begin. Time was in my favor, but what did I want to write about and how should I get started?

I signed up for Ann Linquist’s Beginning Writer’s Workshop where I could “get a taste of the writer’s life” by completing a series of lessons that would result in the first 500 words of my creative piece. In one of our first lessons, Ms. Linquist encouraged us to set up our office and writing space and then she said, “Now find something around you that gives you ideas and write about it.” Continue reading

Just who is my mysterious, famous, and well guarded neighbor?

Vitality Stories

Vitality Stories Mystery Neighbor
Just who IS my mysterious, famous, and well guarded neighbor?

So we moved to Seattle…

Only five months into living in Seattle and my boyfriend and I have quickly learned that despite popular belief, No, it doesn’t rain everyday. It’s just gray most every day. There should be a paint color named, “Every-Day-Gray” or “Seattle.”

Turns out Benjamin Moore does have Seattle Gray 2130-70.

Seattle Gray 2130-70 Benjamin Moor

Ah, they nailed it!

Anyway, desperate for vitamin D and a circadian-rhythm-adjustment that we can only get from that elusive, but bright, hot, and distant globe in the sky, we did what any sun stalker would do—we hightailed it to the desert for a week. Continue reading

What happens at the butcher shop stays at the butcher shop

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

Bonnie with work horses

What happens at the butcher shop stays at the butcher shop


I’m excited to continue sharing excerpts of Bonnie’s memoirs. As is my practice, I strove to capture her memories word-for-word out of respect for her voice, recollection, and perspective. Continue reading

How a snake and an apple created a perfect day

Vitality Stories

Teri Case Vitality Stories

Bonnie in her finery

How a snake and an apple created a perfect day


Pranks and picnics

Bonnie shares:

I remember one prank I pulled on my mother in 1945 just before my tenth birthday, and she got so upset with me I didn’t dare go near her almost a whole day.

We had a small field my dad plowed every spring so my mother could plant her garden. In this field, or parts of it, there were snake dens. They were not poisonous snakes. They were garter snakes. I used to take my dog, Rex, and we’d dig around in the mounds and when we found a den, we would open it up and dig out the snakes, and I’d tell Rex to “Sick ‘Em,” and he did. But one day we dug a den up and there were a bunch of baby snakes so I gathered a few snakes in my hand to show them to my mother.

When I’d left, she’d been hanging clothes on the line, but by the time I got there, she had gone into the house for a minute. So what I did was mix the snakes in with the wet clothes so when she pulled out a piece of clothing the snakes would fall out.

Oh, if you think I wasn’t in trouble… She screamed and hollered, and I took off like a bat out of hell. I waited two hours, and when I went to the house she met me at the door, waving her broom and yelling, “Bonnie Lou, get out of here or I’ll get you.”

I did what any smart girl would do. I got out of there. Again.

Boy, I was hungry, but I didn’t go home. I went out in the woods where we had wild apple trees. I picked a nice big apple. We also had wild grape vines so I picked a bunch, and Rex and I sat down and had a picnic.

The prank definitely didn’t go over well with my mother. In fact, she never forgot it. Every so often we’d talk about it. She laughed about it in the end, but she sure didn’t laugh in the beginning.

~ Bonnie
Teri Case Vitality Stories
Bonnie in her play & work clothes


What I learned

Bonnie reminds me how children have an  innate ability to live spontaneously and embrace life in the moment. THE NOW. She saw an opportunity for a laugh, and acted. When the joke backfired, she ended up basking in the sun with fresh food and a favorite pet in an apple orchard. Kind of sounds like a perfect day to me!

Ever since my trip to Tokyo, I’ve been practicing mindfulness. I want to seize the day in all of its glory and this is why this particular story of Bonnie’s stood out for me. I’m wondering what age we begin to lose sight of existing in the moment and become focused on what’s ahead. I’m sure there is a healthy balance of living and planning to be found. I’m working on it.

How do you remind yourself to be mindful or live in the now? Or what was your last spontaneous action and how did it turn out? Feel free to email me.

As always, I’m grateful for your time and input. Have a wonderful week and thank you for being you.


Teri Case Vitality Stories

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I’m glad Dad wasn’t fired for getting me an egg

Vitality Stories

Teri Case

Leona and Bonnie, April 1935

I’m Glad Dad Wasn’t Fired For Getting Me An Egg

I’m excited to begin sharing excerpts of Bonnie’s memoirs with each of you on a regular basis. As is my practice, I strove to capture her memories word-for-word out of respect for her voice, recollection, and perspective. I hope you enjoy her reflections and memories as much as I did. Continue reading

I’m moving!

Vitality Stories

Teri Case

photo by Gretchen LeMay Photography

I’m moving!

Thursday is the new Tuesday

What’s one of the best outcomes of taking Dan Blank’s, We Grow Media, Creative Mastermind so far? Gaining clarity on my mission and goals, and recognizing what I can do on a consistent basis to achieve them, and therefore, meet my commitment to readers.

One of my goals is to send out the Vitality Stories Newsletter every week in 2016 and after dissecting my current habits and schedule, I’ve come to a simple conclusion: I will be successful fifty-two times (or fifty now–this year is flying by) if I move the distribution to Thursday.

I hope Thursday is a good day for you, too, because I am grateful for your time. Continue reading

Growing In Tokyo – Day Four

Vitality Stories

Day 4 Ameya-yokochō

Growing In Tokyo – Day Four

Souvenirs and memories

Steps Taken: 15,024
Day Four (Day OneDay TwoDay Three)

On our fourth day in Tokyo we returned to Asakusa and the Nakamise-dori shopping area to purchase souvenirs and yes, more pastries. I spent an inordinate amount of time shopping for a cloth tote to carry our bottles of water and souvenirs, and then we walked along the Sumida River to Ueno—a neighborhood to the west known for its old-fashioned outdoor market, Ameya-yokochō. Continue reading