Vitality Stories

2018 Tiger Drive Scholarship Recipients
I am excited to announce the four winners of this year’s Tiger Drive Scholarship which recognizes graduating high school students who are reaching, learning, and growing beyond their familiar environment by pursuing a college education. The Tiger Drive Scholarship was inspired by my novel, Tiger Drive.
Tobias A.
I created a club on campus with the sole purpose of reaching out to other gender nonconforming students. I sought help from the staff, administration, and community agencies . . . Attending college is my opportunity to expand my understanding of advocacy, a chance to grow my ideas and voice, and my moment to change not only my future but also the future of my family and all those that I hope to impact…In twenty years, I hope that I can say I took every opportunity I could to help those around me.
Brisa R.
I CAN DO THIS. I will make myself, my son, and my family proud to say I broke the stereotype of the typical teen mom who overcame these obstacles. Becoming a mother at such a young age has made me strong, dedicated, and independent with are traits that I will be using the rest of my life to keep myself and my son on track. I can be whatever I want to be.
Clariessa J.
Because of my experiences in early Elementary School, I believe I have been primed to work with young adults and children. Through many trials and afflictions, I have come to be very fond of working with young adults and children on an individual basis, and this has propelled me toward social work and human development & family services . . . I want to be the guiding light that I was never able to have in my youth. I believe I can truly make differences in children’s lives if I continue on this path I’ve chosen to follow.
Linda A.
I have grown past my adversity. I have grown past my circumstances. My goal is to use my circumstances as a path to helping others grow past their own.
Congratulations Tigers!! Thank you for being you!
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Tiger Drive is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo, and Ingram. A portion of the proceeds will help fund the Tiger Drive Scholarship. And if you read Tiger Drive, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads. Your opinion will help readers decided if Tiger Drive is right for them. Also, please tell your friends about Tiger Drive. Word of mouth is everything.

copyright 2018 Teri Case