Tiger Drive Scholarship

A scholarship will not be granted in 2025 due to a variety of reasons. Please check back for 2026.

The Tiger Drive Scholarship is for a student who is going to a university, college, or trade school and isn’t afraid to look beyond what is familiar in his/her life to reach, learn, and grow. And hopefully, someone who will pay it forward some day in some way.

As of April 2024, over twenty students have received our support.

I am thrilled to offer The Tiger Drive Scholarship for the tenth year recognizing students graduating from Carson High School or Pioneer High School in Carson City, Nevada, in Spring 2024 and attending a college, university, or trade school in Fall 2024.

APPLICATION DUE DATE: The application must be completed and given to the high school’s counseling department no later than – Please check with your school counselor for the annual deadline.

APPLICATION: The application is available in the Carson High School Counseling Department.

SELECTION CRITERIA: The minimum of a $300 scholarship will be based on an applicant’s financial need, academic performance, work experience, extracurricular activities, and education plans. Only Carson High School or Pioneer High School students in Carson City, Nevada, graduating in the Spring of 2024 with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and attending a trade school, college or university full-time in the Fall of 2024 will be considered. Special consideration will be extended to students who live on Tiger Drive in Carson City, Nevada. This is a one-time award.

DONATIONS: The past several years, I was overwhelmed in all the right ways by unexpected donations from kind-hearted friends and strangers. I am super excited to announce that a portion of the proceeds of my novels, Tiger Drive and In the Doghouse: A Couple’s Breakup from Their Dog’s Point of View will help fund the Tiger Drive Scholarship! However, many have asked if they can contribute. I am not a nonprofit.

So there are ways you can contribute to the scholarship if you’d like to, but keep in mind that until I receive approval as a nonprofit, it may not be tax-deductible. I will keep this page updated or you can subscribe at the bottom of this page to stay updated on my filing status. For now:

  • Purchase my novel Tiger Drive. Tell others about the novel. A portion of the proceeds helps fund the scholarship.
  • Purchase my novel In the Doghouse: A Couple’s Breakup from Their Dog’s Point of View. Tell others about the novel. A portion of the proceeds helps fund the scholarship.
  • If you’d like to make a donation by credit card, you can send it to Teri Case’s PayPal account 
  • If you’d like to make a donation by check, please make it payable to Carson High School, and reference the Tiger Drive Scholarship in the notes and mail it to:
    • Carson High School, c/o Counseling Dept., 1111 N. Saliman Road, Carson City, NV 89701, (775) 283-1915

For updates, announcements, and more, please subscribe here.

If you’d like to share this link, please copy and paste: http://wp.me/P5LiZd-kg

Tiger Drive Scholarship