Tiger Drive wins Best New Fiction – 2018 American Fiction Awards.
Wow, wow, wow! Tiger Drive has won! When I opened the below email, I had to read it several times. Could this be true? Yes, it can! I’ve already called my siblings and mother.
If you’d like to read the press release, click here. The American Fiction Awards recognizes publishing in mainstream, independent, and self-publishing. Please check out the finalists in Best New Fiction. I’ll admit, their books are right up my alley:
- The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple
- Love After Life by Richard Sieg
Thank you so much for being you. It takes a village to write and publish a book. To prove it, here is a video I made that recognizes everyone in the Acknowledgments of Tiger Drive:
Thanks for being you!
Teri, Award Winning Author (Hee hee)