What We Can All Learn from Jamie Oliver
Dear Friend,
When I sat down to write this letter, I first googled Jamie Oliver to get my facts straight about what I recently learned from him, and apparently, there is a lot to be learned from Jamie Oliver, both Dos and Don’ts-slash-Mustn’t-Evers. I’m focusing on one of the Dos.
Be prepared so that when an opportunity comes knocking, you can answer the door.
In 1997, Jamie Oliver moved to the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in London and was working at The River Cafe as a sous-chef. A documentary was being made about the restaurant, Christmas at the River Cafe. The chef, whom BBC had planned to film, fell ill, and unknown-sous-chef Jamie Oliver had to jump in and save the day. And boy did he!
BBC took notice of Jamie because he was ready. He was enthusiastic. He was passionate about food and cooking. He was ready to cook, instruct, and entertain. Did I mention he was ready?
Today, Jamie has several cooking shows, books, and awards.
Thanks to Jamie, I not only cooked a delicious holiday feast for me and Ted, but I chose my goal-word for 2020: Ready.

What does 2020 have in store for you? Are you ready?
I wish you the happiest of holidays, dear friend. As always, thank you for being you.
P.S. Next time, I’ll have some goodies for you. P.P.S. Really, next time, I’ll share my full review of New Persia: Before the Storm, but in the meantime, here is the link to Kirkus Reviews‘ review. If you’re a Kindle Unlimted customer, New Persia is included. If you’re not a Kindle Unlimited customer, I have one FREE Amazon digital copy. First-come-first-serve and for subscribers only, please. Please email me and include the email you use for Amazon.
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